  • Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity

A Brush With Kindness Skilled Volunteer

Looking to give back to the community?

Please complete the form below and we will get back to you with more information about becoming an ABWK Skilled Crew Leader!

Your Contact Information



The field Age at time of application must be a number.


Please tell us a little about what experience or skills you have that may be helpful when volunteering with Gwinnett Habitat. For example: construction, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, painting, etc.

The field Experience/Skill Set: is required.


Please let us know why you wish to volunteer with us. If you'd like to explain more, please use the box below. For court-ordered volunteers, additional information could be required.

The maximum length for the field How did you hear about volunteering with us? is 500 characters.
The field What is your reason for volunteering? is required.
The maximum length for the field Please explain here if court ordered is 500 characters.

Volunteer Day(s) Available

For each day listed below, please let us know if you are available to volunteer. We have a need for both skilled volunteers during the week and on weekends.

Agreement of Applicant

I am 16 years or older and understand that if I am 16 or 17, I must have a parent or guardian signature before volunteering. I understand that for Court-ordered and Pre-court volunteers, additional information could be required.

The field I agree is required.